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Co-creation at its best

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 Co-creation at its best 

​As Benjamin Franklin once said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – and as a blog, Corp Epitome could not agree more. Corp Epitome aims to share, seek and provide knowledge to our audience in the most accessible way. As the name suggests, we are going to provide you with authentic information about the developments, advancements, and trends in the corporate world. The blog not only focuses on the business aspects but also covers a wide range of sectors such as Sports, Computers & IT, Music, Travel, cuisine, etc. In addition to enlightening you on different career paths, this platform also provides an opportunity for budding writers to show their talents. We believe that this way, through co-creation, we can create content that will prepare our audience for the future.

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Predicted future of IT by 2030

We have come a long way from the industrial revolution to space exploration. And in the coming years, we are going to experience many...

Common mistakes you might make as a leader

Leadership is artistry, which involves influencing and motivating a category of people who move forward to attain a specific common goal....

Why are colleges so expensive?

“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet” -Aristotle In the 21st century where education is considered one of the most...

Virtual influencers -Why they can be Huge?

The Pandemic has changed our lives without a doubt. People spending time on social media has increased as much as 20 percent, increasing...

What made people watch Baahubali 2?

Why did Kattapa kill Baahubali? Was one of the reasons we watched Baahubali 2. But have you ever wondered what was in this question that...

Is India Ready For A Cashless Economy?

What is a cashless economy? It is an economy that ceases to have paper or metal cash, instead, all the transactions are done through...

Is India Ready For Electric Cars?

India is one of the fastest-growing car markets, divided into various segments of which, the affordable end drives the most interest. As...

The Post-Pandemic-Job World

We live in uncertain times, years which will probably be written down in the history of evolution of workplaces, how quick the business...

A Vegan Influence

What do you think about when you hear the word “vegan”? The first thing that pops to my mind is vegetables, and that might be the case...

Are we ready for Online Education ?

Online education has arrived in schools and other institutions in all over the world. And nobody’s ready for it. The problem isn’t just...

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