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Innovation is the invention of new products that adhere to meet the requirements of the people who are in need to fill up their wants and attain maximum utility from the resource or the product.

People tend to stick to the product aspect of the innovation and ignore that innovation can be found in philosophies as well.

Now, when I talk about the philosophy of innovation here, it does not mean the factual understanding, here it means innovations in philosophies, innovation in thinking.

Invention in thinking can be found if a person has experienced scarcity in thoughts or have seem to detect the problem in the society and have reflected to it by crafting an invention.

another mechanism of invention is brewing together a thought and a problem!

The inventor has to deal with an idea and look in the world for a scarcity, a gap which has not been filled yet and then gratify it with the execution of the idea,

now for the inventor it was always a philosophy at the beginning which then was lead to a product to grasp the public’s attention for sale.

In the world that we live in we are bound to uncertainties where we have an image of the past as clear as a HD image and the future is cloudy which is resulting in a thunderstorm of thoughts but is failing to rain in form of a perspective.

Of course, the world has come up with its ways to cope and manage in the existing scenario, but that wasn’t innovation. It was the mere existence of products that were ignored but are now being facilitated due to its capability to satisfy our wants.

It is a whole other discussion which can be held to talk about the above materials which is a combination on economics and science, but further in the article I wish to compare the world of literature and the world of business, how these two are partially related and how an invention in a philosophy will lead to invention in products which then indirectly is affiliating the business world.

When great philosophers and writers came up with their words which were never talked about let alone heard about,

They brought about an innovation in the society which was philosophical, not material. It was held in the minds of the people and frolicked with the common thoughts of humans.

They brought about a change in the society that was collectively appreciated or collectively destroyed.

They never invented those phrases to bring the change, the goal was never to meet the unlimited wants or requirements of the people, it was an expression of thoughts which was being conveyed through words.

Relate that to the world of businesses, the world of entrepreneurs where the strongest tool they have are their ideas and the mechanism they use to mend those ideas into innovation.

Philosophy of innovation is rather a simple term with a simple context, which is innovating philosophies and intern developing tools for the society and fulfilling your goals as an entrepreneur as well. This in no way is manifesting to the fact that the people who are involved in the financial world and are financially driven for the goal of earning profits and maintaining the market to a certain level or showing any disbelief in the fact that earning profits rigorously is an unhealthy practice, all ‘PHILOSOPHY OF INNOVATION’ aspires to initiate a spark among the readers to understand and their ideas and merchandise in ways available and possible so that the requirements of the inventor as well as the society are met and the development of the society can take place in a serene manner.

Today how many of us have invented a new philosophy, a new vision that has changed the way people look at the world, took a step to innovate philosophies which can take us away from the insubstantial world we are living in,

We are scared of judgements that are restricting our thoughts to be heard and phrases to be spoken.

We accept the usual and detect the unusual and vanish that thought out of our heads. the minds have been trained in such a manner that we have precisely learned to eliminate a threat to our mind, what we forget is that the thought is selfish, think about a scenario where we have the ability and vigor to listen to things, we may not agree with but still respect the place it has come from.


The success or failure of the philosophy is not that that has to be kept in mind with inventor, what rather should be kept in mind is that it is absolutely righteous to have a opposition to your philosophy as the vision you have towards the world is tremendously different from any other person, there are going to be people who will welcome and appreciate the idea, but keep in mind that there are individuals who rather will have a different opinion on the same aspect of your philosophy.

Innovation in philosophy is my step towards making the minds of the readers frolic in a manner that can at the least trigger the thoughts and if more so affect the thoughts in a positive manner for them to invent philosophies of their own so that they can change the way people look at the society or perhaps, even the way they look at themselves.

I acknowledge the fact that my philosophy of innovation will not be celebrated among all, but I never intend to make that happen, I mean, wouldn’t my kite fly higher if I have a strong wind coming towards it.

“We are thinking out of the box, true but have we made a box outside the box as well which is the only part outside of the box which is being approached??”

- Amena Shakir

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